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Fall Generations Newsletter

Nearly 200 years of regional Jewish life

Jewish History  Here and Now

We are excited to share four films that were

produced and premiered in 2024!


Click on Videos to Watch
Delis 2 Festival Favorite 2024

Our follow up film to the first Deli film. A closer look at the Lincoln Del and other delis that we remember so fondly. (And look what film won Festival Favorite!).


40th Anniversary - Those Who Serve

To celebrate our 40th Anniversary, we celebrate those who have served in public office.​​​​​​


NECHAMA FILM Jewish Response to Disaster

Born right here in the Twin Cities, it would become a national disaster relief organization.



From scrap car parts, to an international company. NAPCO was the Jewish American success story.


It happened right here

The story of the Jews in the Upper Midwest goes back nearly 200 years. The places where today we live, work and play are the same places our predecessors encountered as immigrants, sodbusters, business owners, community leaders and neighbors. Our story is urban and rural, religious and secular, joyful and tragic.


For over 40 years, the Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest has uplifted this history through creating exhibits, authoring publications, and hosting events that enable you to place yourself right here where it happened … where it’s happening today.

Be part of history

Preserve and perpetuate regional Jewish history with your membership or donation.

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